Info :IMDb
Director : Benny Mathews
Writer : -
Stars : Astrid Steel, Nito Perez Jr. and Kevin Rankin
A nine-year-old boy who has just received a phantom Eucharist, his horrified cousin, and his religious aunt are trapped in their home by a sadistic phantom force in director Benny Mathews� unrelenting tale of supernatural terror. Despite the intention of the sacrament to keep the young child safe from the malevolent forces of evil, the powers of faith fail when young Ricky Banda and his two family members find themselves stalked by a dark entity intent on claiming their souls for the damned.
Genre : Horror
Country : USA
Language : Spanish | English
Release Date : 7 June 2011
Also Known As : Santeria: The Soul Possessed
Runtime : -
Subtitles : Search Here
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